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Sinduramon's Digivolutions

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Sinduramon's Digivolutions Empty Sinduramon's Digivolutions

Post  Sarai Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:25 pm

Hatchmon- A pure white egg with green eyes, and four strings that end in a yellow sparkle protruding from the top, the sides, and bottom of the body.
Attacks- Star Dust (Uses limbs to create yellow acid dust.)
Wyrmmon- A worm-like Digimon, with the base color of white. Has a yellow head, a stripe in the middle of it's body on it's underside, and it's tail tip. Has green eyes and has three black spikes adorning the head and neck.
Attacks- Iron Twister (Turns into a gray torpedo and slams into enemy), Acid bubbles (Just those lil' pathetic pink bubbles. :3)
Cobramon- A snak Digimon with flaps of skin on the neck like a cobra made of solid purple steel. Red eyes, a white body, and a black triangular-like weapon adorning the tip of the tail. Has black spikes running from the tip of it's nose to the back, where it stops right under the frill thing. (XD)
Attacks- Kunai Tail (Uses tail as a kunai...), Cobra Bind (We all know what this is!), Bite of Poison (Just a fancy way of biting the enemy :3)
Vipermon- A ten foot long white snake with the same metal frill with neon pink, purple, green, and metalic gray on it. Red eyes, and a horn on it's nose. Black metal teeth, and a long black tongue. Black spikes running from the base of the neck to the tail, ending in a metal tip.
Attacks- Death Coils (A stronger version of Cobra Bind), Viper's Hiss (A very powerful hiss that can result in hearing loss, and can frighten the enemy), Poisonous Needle Teeth (Teeth are used to drive deadly poison into the enemy), Blinding Metal (The metal frill thing flashes and can cause temporary blindness.)
Sinduramon- Go to Wiki. x.x
Nagamon- A HUGE white flying serpent with purple skin.. things on it's back, with a purple tail tuft. Large red eyes, and metal teeth. A horn adorns the tip of the nose.
Attacks- Dragon Tornado (Turns into a gray torpedo and slams into the enemy), Dragon Roar (A tremendous roar that is nerve racking), Naga's Charm (Eyes glow white and attempt to transfix the enemy), Bite of Metal (Obvious.. x.x), Bite of Poison (More obvious than Bite of Metal...)

Posts : 51
Join date : 2009-08-25
Location : In the bakery, mowing down on bread.

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